What is Public Scholarship?

The term “public scholarship” is problematic for me. By using this term, it seems as though we are implying that there exist a scholar who has no public/audience. What would it mean for a scholar to not have a public? Even if the scholar wrote/created material, not for the “average Joe,” publishers, administrators, or students, […]

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Out of My Reach?

I assume you’ve seen the discussion over the past month of so around the CV of failures — a movement among some academics to publicize, and thereby make apparent to others, a list of their failures, so as to dispel the myth of merit, i.e., that success just naturally comes to those who already have […]

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Out of Bounds

The blokes (that’s the right word, no?) over at The Religious Studies Project posted a link earlier today to an article entitled “The Case Against Mix-and-Match Spirituality” — an article, summarizing a recent session at The Aspen Ideas Festival, that nicely demonstrates how easily (and often) scholars adopt a stance from within the groups they […]

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