About Elly

Haileycasteel/ March 17, 2021/ Blog, Syndicated/ 0 comments

About Elly was an extremely moving film that truly left viewers wanting to know more the entire time.  About Elly (2009) takes place in Iran and is primarily about a preschool teach (Elly), who is invited to go on a beach vacation with one of her students’ parents and their friends.  Sepideh invited Elly toContinue reading “About Elly”

Blog #2

Haileycasteel/ February 17, 2021/ Blog, Syndicated/ 0 comments

The Battle of Algiers (1966), takes place in Algiers, a French colony of Algeria.  The film opens up by a man being yelled at by a group of what appear to be soldiers.  They are trying to get him to reveal a piece of information.  This information is the location of the group of leadersContinue reading “Blog #2”