
I’ve been collecting loads of data for my project. I am gathering information on movies with dialogue that says “Jesus” or “Jesus Christ”. I am entering the films’ title, director, year released, genre, and the full quote that includes those words (also a small video clip from each movie with the quote). I also have the time (ex. 0:50:49) for when the quote appears in the film, but I don’t think that will be that useful. I am hoping to find a correlation in year and genre with the frequency of films that have used those words. There may be zero correlation, but I thought it would be interesting to see if the data has any significance.

Lab 7

My data collection for the final project is coming along well. I final decided on what to do for the project, how to construct the project in order to achieve the goal. I am really interested in philosophy, so I knew I wanted to make a project with a philosophical theme. I decided I will analyze all of the Socratic dialogues Plato wrote through the software called Voyant in order to pull the most frequently used words within each of the texts. I will then get that data and plug it into Flourish to produce a visual of the top 5 words in each dialogue. This will enable the viewer to reference multiple texts and detect any patterns that might (or might not) be there.