

I looked at a project called Singing Box 331 which aims to provide an enhanced re-telling of an article about Mohican Hymns that was written in 2019. It is a “glammed-up” news article with pictures and some audio files and large walls of text. It features a non-linear style navigation experience for the user, however, there are not that many directions to go. The materials for this project would be mostly written text, and some images/audio clips as I mentioned above. The processing method of this project is the non-linear assortment of the walls of text and images. There are categories like “introduction”, “music”, and “conclusion” to name a few. The presentation used by the project is a website.

I personally hold the opinion that this project would be much better with more visual and audio representation of the material, rather than huge walls of text. To me, DH projects are unique compared to normal informative websites because of the ability to create an interactive experience for the user, or even display information in an unorthodox way. Especially in today’s world, most people do not have the patience to go through many huge portions of text on a white background. I would think it would be more effective to present the information in shorter snippets, highlighting the important parts of the information. The information would be more memorable and accessible to a wider audience.

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