Lab 2

The website I visited was rather unique compared to the ones we saw in class since it was primarily concerned with any given visitor making an account and using their software, but we will get into that later. The website itself is called Recogito, and it is monitored by Pelagios who is a digital humanities initiative whose goal is to connect different data about the past together. With this being where Recogito is coming from, it is no surprise that this website is built around “collaborative document annotation”. This means that it is a tool to help scholars, or anyone really, annotate images or texts, then allowing their work to become public data for others to use and look at. It shows one how to annotate images and text through the program and then share their progress and data with anyone they choose. Overall, it is a tool that can be used to produce data that can be shared and worked on with multiple people.

My analysis of the website is quite straight forward since their website the way it is structured is quite straightforward. The entire site is built around the visitor using the software, so it has many nuances that are strategically placed there in order to help facilitate and encourage the people visiting to do just that. For one, the website one has three links and one of them is the login tab. This is created in this manner to give the person a very limited amount of options, unlike many other websites who have many tabs/links. At the bottom of the webpage, there are many comments they chose to rotate through their homepage, as well as statistics that reflect very well on their website. Overall, I think the website is structured very well and is shaped for it’s function, which is to get as many accounts and data from the users as possible. As far as the data itself is concerned, I am not sure there is a real way to know what type it, besides the fact that it is composed of texts and maps. On the other hand though, one can know that the website is not providing data itself, the website designers desire the user to provide the data so the range of topics can vary from person to person.

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