Origin Theory, Boy, Mamma Mia, the Loch Ness Monster, and The Virgin Mary

Savannahald/ April 28, 2021/ Blog, Syndicated/ 0 comments

I am pretty sure that I’ve read somewhere that a sense of belonging and community is incredibly important to the human psyche. Where does this need come from? Well, there are loads of theories on where we derive our sense of belonging, many of which examine the power of origin stories. “Boy” demonstrated this journeyContinue reading “Origin Theory, Boy, Mamma Mia, the Loch Ness Monster, and The Virgin Mary”

The Farewell

Savannahald/ December 8, 2020/ Blog, Syndicated/ 0 comments

The Farewell is an incredible film produced by A24 (They did it again!!). It begins with the character Billi and a lie. Her grandmother, called Nai Nai, has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. The family however, decides to conceal this information from Nai Nai and they all plan a fake wedding as an excuseContinue reading “The Farewell”