A Preliminary Definition of Religion

Our first assignment of Honors Intro to Religious Studies was to give a preliminary, unprecedented definition of religion itself. Below I have pasted my initial definition along with some source links (nothing too formal, just a bit of source vomit). Just as definitions of religion vary from person to person, I also believe that definitions…


Hello! My name is Mattie Poland and I’m a freshman at the University of Alabama (roll tide!) My major is Finance and my minor is in Human Resources. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, playing the piano, baking/cooking, and art, specifically painting. I’m looking forward to publishing some of my college course blog posts onContinue reading “Introduction”

An Introduction

Hello! My name is Ellie Dilworth and (at the time of this site’s publication) I am a freshman at the University of Alabama! I am majoring in Management Information Systems (MIS) and minoring in Religious Studies. The plan is to finish undergrad and attend seminary with the goal of becoming an ordained elder in the…