A Cultural Religion

As I enrolled in this class, I originally thought this course would encompass the practices and beliefs of different religions world-wide. Stereotypically, individuals immediately associate beliefs, traditions, and rituals to encompass religions on a world-wide scale. When asked to define religion, I struggled to comprise this phenomenon into one classification. My preliminary definition included, “Religion […]

BLOG 1: Definition Assessment

“I think that religion involves a set of beliefs and values that an individual/group possesses as a result of their cultural background, family/upbringing and environmental influences. I think that religion can provide meaning to people’s lives, as well as serve as a form of comfort in the face of uncertainty or moral ambiguity. I think […]

My ~Updated~ Definition of Religion

I went to a private religious high school, so I have been studying and evaluating religion for many years. I see religion as something that is a greater power that gives you something to believe in and feel connected to a group of people. As there is much more to it this is the easiest […]

Essay 1

I think religion can be defined as a set of beliefs or values that guide one’s way of life. It is a structure that someone puts their faith and trust into, whether the reasoning to do so be for eventual salvation, personal comfort, or a way of finding answers. I think it is a fluid … Continue reading Essay 1

A Reflection

“In a broad view, religion is the belief in a higher power. Religion for me is knowing that there is one God of the universe looking out for us all. However, I respect all different beliefs and aspects of religion and am looking forward to the in-depth discussions that this course will hold.” -Madeline ChampionContinue reading “A Reflection”